
External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA)

External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA)

Many pipelines require periodic monitoring so that pipeline operators can identify and address where corrosion has occurred as well as where it is occurring or may occur on their pipeline.  The practice of External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA), according to NACE SP0502 operators and Engineering Design Technologies, Inc.'s (EDT) trained staff, can proactively address corrosion management of a given system.  ECDA is a crucial part of a pipeline’s Asset Management plan as it can be used assess the overall condition of the pipeline alongside inline inspection.  Occasionally inline inspection can be limited due to the geometry of the pipeline; in these situations, an ECDA program is necessary to meet government regulations. This process is used as a continuous improvement process that can help an owner direct their asset maintenance plan.  EDT uses several indirect inspection processes to locate areas of the pipeline in need, including close interval surveys (CIS) and direct and alternating current voltage gradient surveys (DCVG/ACVG). Direct examination of the pipeline is performed by our team of cathodic protection professionals, coatings experts and experienced geologists to assess all parts of the corrosion process. By collecting and analyzing this data, we can advise operators of various corrosion management solutions. Engineering Design Technologies’ knowledge of corrosion processes and best practices, coupled with the work of our efficient field teams, mitigates stress and the uncertainty of operators through our ability to implement a reliable ECDA program.

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