
UAB School of Health Sciences

Client: University of Alabama Birmingham

Location: Birmingham AL


Engineering Design Technologies, Inc. (EDT) provided complete engineering design for mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection for the vertical addition to the School of Health Professions Building in Birmingham, Alabama.

Mechanical design drawings included ductwork sizing and routing location, diffuser sizing and location, equipment sizing and location and hydronic piping (connected to the existing hydronic piping) sizing and routing location based on the HVAC load calculation. Equipment schedules, installation details, piping diagrams, ventilation table and installed equipment requiring mechanical system connection(s) were included with the design drawings. 

Electrical services included installing main electrical panels which are in the electrical room with distribution panels and panel boards located through-out the building. Interior lighting utilizes fluorescent lamps. The lighting is controlled with wall mounted switch type with occupancy sensor. The hallway lighting utilizes a time clock or lighting control integral to the building automation system to meet the ASHRAE 90.1-2007 requirements. An addressable fire alarm system was designed to meet NFPA 72, “Life Safety” and all local codes. Manual pull stations, horn/strobe devices, strobe only devices, smoke detectors, heat detectors, flow and tamper switches and other devices were required for code compliance. Lastly, auxiliary systems - telephone, data, cable TV, Access control, closed caption TV and security – were provided with conduit raceways, cable trays and outlet boxes and wired by the equipment vendor or owner.

The plumbing systems were based on the plumbing fixtures shown on the architectural drawings provided by Davis Architects, Inc.. Sanitary waste lines, grease waste lines, sanitary vent lines, domestic water piping, grease interceptors and oil interceptors were designed per the 2009 International Plumbing Code. The waste lines and domestic water are connected to the existing lines and extended as required. Equipment schedules, installation details and piping diagrams were included with the design drawings. Design drawings included pipe sizing and routing location for the sanitary waste lines, grease waste lines, sanitary vent lines and domestic water piping.  All specifications are in Masterspec 2004 format.

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